Afghan hound Breed Information, Price, Tips & Facts

Afghan hound Dog Breed Information

Afghan hound Breed Information

The Afghan Hound is a distinctive and elegant dog breed known for its long, flowing coat and regal appearance. Here are some key points about the Afghan Hound:


  • Coat: long, silky, and fine, often requiring regular grooming.
  • Color: Various colors, including black, blue, red, cream, and more.
  • Build: tall and slender with a dignified stance.
  • Size: Typically stands between 25-29 inches tall and weighs 50-60 pounds.


  • Personality: aloof, dignified, and sometimes independent.
  • Energy: high energy levels, requiring regular exercise.
  • Behavior: Can be playful and affectionate with family but reserved with strangers.
  • Intelligence: intelligent but sometimes stubborn, making training a challenge.


  • Lifespan: Around 12–14 years.
  • Common Issues: Prone to hip dysplasia, cataracts, and hypothyroidism. Regular vet check-ups are essential.


  • Grooming: It requires extensive grooming due to its long coat. Regular brushing and occasional professional grooming are recommended.
  • Exercise: needs daily exercise to maintain physical and mental health. Enjoys running and playing in open spaces.
  • Diet: a balanced diet with high-quality dog food. Consult with a vet for specific dietary needs.


  • Origin: an ancient breed, believed to have originated in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan.
  • Purpose: Originally bred for hunting large game in harsh terrain.

Afghan hounds make wonderful pets for owners who can dedicate time to their grooming and exercise needs. They thrive in environments where they can express their energy and receive ample attention.

Afghan hound Breed Details
  • Breed Trainability

    Afghan hound

  • Breed Litter Size

    Afghan hound

  • Good With

    Afghan hound

  • Breed Avrage Age

    12-14 Year

  • Breed Size


  • Breed Grooming


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